Our Mission

Our Purpose is to study God’s Word, strive to grow in our relationship with His Son and our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and to serve Him and others in every way possible, in order to encourage growth and unity in Christ’s Church, provide opportunities for individual spiritual and physical healing, growth, and enable opportunities for skill training, employment, and new starts.

To provide Christ-centered ministry opportunities for individuals and churches, focused on serving veterans and recently released inmates preparing for reentry through service projects, retreats, and skill training.

Our Vision

To develop and maintain a fully operational, self-sustaining farm that is purposed and committed to serving Pastors, Missionaries, Men’s, Women's, and Young Adult ministries, and Veterans through individual and group Art and Craft activities and Retreat opportunities, enabling and encouraging recovery and healing, growth, team building, community partnership, and unity.

Provide an environment where released inmates can get a post-confinement, Christ-centered start, minimizing the chance for recidivism, providing post-confinement training and employment opportunities with Christian-led business in PA and NOVA, and affording opportunities for reconnection and service on an annual basis.